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Samurai life and the best way of living

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  • 9 min read

One of the characteristics that I can describe my mind with confidence is that it is fickle. But this volatility and its transference between various subjects comes with terrible depth. I am the type who loves if he likes something, and likes its origins.

The stereotype in Bali about samurai was that they are barbaric people, bandits, subject to laws, and live by looting and the randomness that governs them. I don’t know exactly where it came from, but it was. But what struck me the day I saw the movie was that it showed them in a completely different way, two billion nobles and magnanimity, walking on clear principles, and they have a different way of life.

The subject attracted me, and after completing Kurasawa Tikent’s and many Samurai games major films, it came back that the stereotype that was in my mind, and I feel it is the same for many, was far from reality. The child in me decided that I would take the matter more systematically and start looking them up in order.

I saw how many documents, how many more movies, played countless video games and I also read two books about them. I discovered that they are a terrible and amazing society with a unique history and have principles and values worth contemplating. I will never mention their history in a simple two dimensional way. I remember most of the necessities that attracted me to their principles.

Unique Japanese culture

Samurai Japanese Culture

I don’t know if anyone noticed this, but I always feel that Japanese culture is very special and feels pure and unearned. Regardless of whether or not this culture is permissible for you (which may make you surprised that only simple needs in their culture like me, and many of them like me). And you always hear about their stories that there are American or European people who traveled to them and found their inspiration. I just feel a creative and nurturing culture with its own splendor and imprint. In contrast to Americans, for example, feel that everything is acquired. A group of cultures landed in a big mixer and hit the button and we’re done. There is no soul, identity, breath, like the Japanese.

After looking for the reasons, I found a lot of philosophizing and looking at the issue, and it is sure there is a reason why you can point your finger and say this is the only reason. I understand that it is more than one reason combined, but the two most likely reasons in my opinion are their geographical location and their education. The fact that Japan is an island relatively far from land, especially when water was the best way to travel, gave it a special isolation from the outside world. I also read that Japanese water is considered dangerous water for travel, due to natural reasons as well as the presence of bandits. The second most likely reason is their pride, education and focus on high ethics, pride, pride and adherence to roots. This thing is that they always see themselves as they can be the best and do not copy others.

The beginning of samurai fighters

Beginning of Samurai

The governments that went through the history of Japan were mostly military, and we appreciate that we look for this from the high discipline that exists with these people and their adherence to laws and regulations. One of the laws that were in effect at the time was the “one-legged law” (it seems that this law was created out of fear of limited resources at the time). The law in its simplest form is that you are allowed to have the number of children you love, but only the oldest of them will be your rightful heir. Take your money, possessions and your name in the event of your death, and the rest are legally stripped of everything.

Most people were obedient and bound by this system, but the aristocracy people were roasting their comfort because they have all the ingredients and resources they spend on the children while they are alive. But as soon as they die, only the heir has power, and the rest often have only two options. The first is that they work in temples and dedicate their lives to them, and in this way they have the space, the clothes and the food. The second way is that they live their lives as warriors. Or as they are seen by the Ancient Warriors or Samurai. They are learning the basics of sword fighting and horsemanship, and they have the means to live by working as guards to protect villages and farms from bandits and looters. And because of their originality and magnanimity, they refused handouts or gifts that come to them without what they make an effort.

Principles and values in which they live

They have many of them, but more will appeal to me more.

Live in the moment

The truth is that I tried to soften it, just elaborating it, nor was it literally “evoke death always and forever ”. In his philosophy, you will not understand or fulfill life without understanding death first. You must be sure that everything has an end, and in this way you discover that there is nothing unlimited in life. So if you evoke death, you will be sure of the importance of time, and every second of it will behave in its proper place. In this case, you are a living act. Something very exciting, I’ve heard about it before and repelled. But quite logical.


Samurai Education

Other classes of people (farmers, merchants, craftsmen) need education in their lives, and their children enter school when they are young. Unlike veterans, nonmilitary/combat education is a secondary need. Vickerson has done most of his little teaching of martial arts and horsemanship and anything that will help them advance in military fields. Because most of them don’t read or write, and consider the experiences of their elders to be the source of knowledge. Unlike books and references.

Selection of teachers

Samurai Teachers

There must be a teacher or mentor for each member of the samurai. They consider them as their godparents, adhere to them and live under their protection until they learn, grow up and can become independent. The uninterrupted loyalty of the masters is very strange, one of the most forbidden things is disobedience or harming the master. One of the basic concepts and postulates is to defend the teacher, even if the price is your life.

Cost reduction and attachment

It seems to me that they were minimalists until then. Your spending should not exceed your basic needs, and the concept of dehydration and not related to the needs of your money should be ingrained in your mind.

Letter of Words

If the samurai fighter accepts any mission, he must either complete it or complete it. There is no third option. His word is the closest contract. Lying, fraud, malice and retreat are words not found in his dictionary. Because they count a thousand accounts before making any decision. Some of them refuse to do any business or task if they are out of their city. Because they don’t know what they may face, and circumstances may be different. At that time, the option of undoing is not present.

Death with honor and courage

Samurai death of honor

They fully believe in going into every battle or duel as if it were their last. And preparing them to die permanently, not attaching them to needs, and their high loyalty, keeping covenants are all things that help them in this. They say that the pain of death while you are in the late classes is similar to the pain of death while you are in the front row. But dignity is what differentiates the two deaths, so it’s an easy choice for them. Because they are so fearless.

One last note

In their lives I met many other teachings, but I tried to convey and summarize the most prominent ones. I found a similarity between their lifestyle and what we hear a lot about the lives of the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula. Many values such as honesty, loyalty, sacrifice, feet, etc., intersected. I feel that living in nature and relying directly on natural resources, and their need for each other unites them, so they live.

If you want to get into the life of Samurai, we simply made it easier for you, just get into the virtual world of Samurai Warriors 4 game. There are surely more samurai games you can try, but we make sure to ensure that’s one of the best that you can actually enjoy!